I was recently called as the Secretary in our ward's Young
Women's presidency.Our Stake has challenged all of the leaders
to work on and complete the PP program
with the girls. Now, It's only been 7 years since I was in
YW and I received my Young Women in Excellence Award.
But I have decided that I'm going to
complete it again. Plus, the church has recently added a
new value... "virtue".I am planning to work on one goal a week.
I should have them all passed off
in less than a year. While I was thinking about this
I decided that I was going
to blog about it on the way.... For a few reasons.
1. Now I have to do it because I've made a public announcement.
2. To share what I learn and how it effects my testimony.
3. So the girls in my ward can keep track of what I'm doing.
So I hope you all will support me and check up on me
from time to time and maybe something I say or do will
help you out as much as it helps me!
Love you all, Heather