Thursday, February 17, 2011


Well as of last night at 11:55 pm I finished my requirements
to get my YW recognition award. I just did the leader requirements
but it feels great to have accomplished it again. I finished the last
knowledge, integrity and virtue goals that I needed to do. I am
always amazed at how much they still have relevance to my life.
I know that today I was granted an extra amount of patience
because of the work that I put in to finish last night. Now I will
work towards getting my honor bee.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Virtue.... DONE!

So last night I finished reading the Book Of Mormon. I can't
believe it's taken me so long to read it. I forget how awesome
the last few books are. I know that I have started reading
it a million times but I get lost somewhere in Alma. I feels
so great to finish it again. I have such a testimony of
the scriptures. Every time I read it I am reassured of the
truthfulness of the gospel.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Almost there!

I am less than 10 pages from the end of the BOM. I think that I have
started reading the Book Of Mormon a lot of times but I have given up
so reading through Ether and Moroni has been great. I have forgotten so
much about the Jaredites. They go from the Brother of Jared who had
so much faith that Heavenly Father couldn't hide himself from him
to constant war.... One brother fighting another Brother or father. It's
just ridiculous. Also we have all the 'secret combinations'. The problem
is that I know that we have all of these same issues today it's just more
excepted. I've decided that when I'm done reading this time (hopefully
I can finish today) that I'm going to read through the BOM chronologically.
That's a way that I've never read it before.