Monday, January 11, 2010

What I plan to finish soon....

Ok, so these are the experiences and projects that I am currently working on.
Divine Nature Value Project- Teaching how to make gourmet chocolates.
Knowledge #2- Learning to cook some new things out of Deceptively Delicious.
Knowledge Value Project- New work out schedule and diet plan.
Choice and Accountability Value project- Evaluate Media in my home, Put up reminders and sell inappropriate DVDs.
Good Works #2- Make a menu and follow and prepare all meals for 2 weeks.

Wish me luck!

Good Works #3

For this experience I read Mosiah 18: 7-10 and it's dicusses helping others. (comfort those who stand in need of comfort, mourn with those who mourn......) And I'm listing 3 things that I will try more often to do in order to comfort those around me. One thing I will do it leave notes or messages for those who I know are having a difficult time. (though the mail, email or even Facebook.) Because knowing that someone is thinking about you is a really great feeling! 2nd I will help whenever possible with little things that people need. I will focus especially on people I'm finding it hard to love. 3rd I will make sure that I listen and smile more often at everyone I know.

Choice and Accountabilty #1

So a few weeks ago I decided to change how I was doing my scripture study. We started having family scripture study with Penny before bed time along with family prayer. Before Kory and I had just been doing it right before bed. I've found that I'm getting alot more out of it in the early evening. I have also re-worked my daily schedule so that I have some time each morning to do some personal study and work on my personal progress. I just gave up watching as much tv in the mornings. I turn on some cartoons for Penny and lay Lila down for a nap and then I have 30 mins to study. It really helps me keep my cool for the rest of the day. I'm still getting used to the new change and sometimes I still forget but I'm working hard to remember, and I feel the blessings in my life. I also notice that I don't have so much of an inner struggle when it comes to keeping the commandments. I just have to say..."if I know the church is true then I know i shouldn't....." (fill in the blank) It's been making my choices alot easier. It's easier to attend church meetings, Do what my leaders ask, and follow the things the prophet says. I'm so grateful for Personal Progress!

Individual Worth #2- Patriarchal Blessing

So I read the section in true to the faith about Patriachal Blessings. I was impressed by one phase in there. It said "you should read it humbly, prayerfully and frequently." I find that I only think to read it when I'm having problems in my life. I need to be more humble about it also. I need to take time to read it and sit quietly and prayerfully consider what it says. I'm sure that something different will stand out each time if I do.

Faith #2- Mothers

so for this experience I read the story of the stripling warriors.
It's such a good story, i enjoy it every time. Also I re-read the
proclamation to the world. I'm supposed to list what some
qualities of a good mother would be. Some are really obvious..
like patiance, loving, understanding and things like that but I
wanted to list a few that are a little less common. These are also
qualities that I would like to develop.
  • a consideration for other feelings
  • organization
  • love of the scriptures
  • a willingness to serve
  • faith in the prophet
  • excepance of things as they are, not as I hope.
  • Willingness to try my hardest

I am going to recommit myself to FHE and family scripture study because I tend to brush it off thinking that penny is too young, but now is the time. I don't want her to doubt that I knew it.